Everyone who reads this blog knows I'm not a fan of Whisperers, force-based training, flooding, and punishment. No surprise then, when I say this: there aren't "methods" of dog training. Some people, including me, will often refer to "methods," but it's all really just science.
The whisperer you see on tv uses science: it's called positive punishment, negative reinforcement, and flooding. All of those are fraught with unpleasant consequences. It may work occasionally, but more often than not, what looks like success is really learned helplessness. The dog is shutting down, not learning how to behave. It looks really impressive, however, to those who are watching - the barky dog no longer vocalizes! It's a miracle! No it's not - it's unfortunate. The dog isn't trained, it's simply shut down. There's a big difference between shut down and trained. They may look similar, but there's a world of difference.
Stick with the safer science - positive reinforcement. It's so much easier to teach your dog what you'd like it to do (by reinforcing the behavior you like) than it is to teach the dog all the things you don't want him to do. It's quicker and more enjoyable. After all, you got a dog for the companionship, right? Not to dominate and control. Create a cooperative relationship with your dog, not a adversarial one -- find a positive reinforcement trainer!