It surprises many people when they find out a cat also inhabits our house along with the four dogs. I don't know if it's surprising because they can't imagine the mess that five animals must bring or if it's because they can't imagine a cat surviving in a four-dog-household.
Oh, Autumn does just fine, thankyouverymuch. She's a kitty to be reckoned with. She's senior to all these dogs -- been here longer than any of them and doesn't take a whole lot from any of them.
She can go from lover (curling around their feet, head butting them, and wrapping herself against a sleeping dog's tummy), to playmate (chasing the dogs or wanting to be chased by them), to enemy (back off buster, now!). She's an ideal cat for a dog-dominated household.
Anyway, here's what a normal day is like in the life of Autumn. That loud smacking sound you hear toward the end of the video is Nemo's tail. He is enthralled by the kitty. He's more in love with the kitty that I am, for goodness sake. He can't control the tail whenever he gets near her.