Yes, indeedy, I started the New Year out right. I had dog biscuits for breakfast. Yum-my! No, not dog dog biscuits. People biscuits in the shape of a dog! A Labrador to be exact.
I don't have much need for cookie cutters in the house - I rarely bake cookies that require rolling. I'm more a slop-it-on-the-cookie-sheet and bake it kinda girl - nothing fancy for me.
So when my biscuit recipe called for a biscuit cutter, I had nothing. Enterprising, adaptive chef that I am (oh dear, almost choked on my breakfast there), I used a cookie cutter. And seeing as I'm a crazy dog lady, the only kind of cookie cutters in this house are dog-related.
So dog biscuits were for breakfast. And were extra-special delicious with real butter and a little honey drizzled on top. I think they tasted even better because they were dogs.