I was never allowed to sleep with a specific stuffed animal when I was a kid, which probably explains why I now sleep with Puppy every night. No matter what.
Puppy is 26 years old. He travels with me whether I'm working, going camping, or traveling to Europe.
Puppy has survived eight real-life puppies. He's very important to me. Curiously, I've been finding Puppy on the floor a lot lately. Thinking I was just being sloppy, I took the blame for poor Puppy's position on the floor.
Until, that is, I walked into the bedroom one evening and saw Talos rooting and digging. And throwing Puppy over the edge.
I couldn't believe it. It just couldn't be. Talos was giving Puppy the boot! I've now seen Talos perform this maneuver several times.
Last night I got it on video.