Here's one of the (many) things I love about clicker training: It works on any species! It's not just for dogs - cats can clicker train, too.
I was a client's house today working with her dog. We were clicking and treating when in saunters kitty cat Scotch. Pretty as you please, he hops up onto the arm of the easy chair, trying to figure out how he can get a bit of that awfully good-smelling chicken the dog is eating.
We had a good laugh, then moved away to another part of the house.
Guess who followed. Yep, good old Scotch. He was determined to figure this clicker thing out.
And that's why I love clicker training so much. The animals are motivated to work with you. There's just no better way to teach your dog -- or kitty. There's no pack-leader garbage, no dominance drivel. The animal wants to work -- WITH YOU! Honestly, it's just the coolest thing ever.