I found the sport of K9 Nose Work last year and I can't get enough of it! In addition to working with my own dogs, I've assisted at K9 Nose Work Camp in Georgia, I'm attending K9 Nose Work Camp in Pennsylvania in the fall, and I'm on-track to become a Certified Nose Work Instructor at the end of 2011. I hope my dog, Nemo, (the subject of yesterday's post about bad habits), passes his Odor Recognition Test (ORT) at K9NW camp this fall so we can begin competing next year.
My obsession with K9 Nose Work has led to my talking, tweeting, and writing about it, too! I just had a K9 Nose Work article published on Karen Pryor's site Clickertraining.com. And June's issue of Your Smart Dog, is all about K9 Nose Work (as was last month's article). If you're not a subscriber, you're missin' out! Click here to sign up (it's free)!
Last, but not least, here's the video I put together to show people what K9 Nose Work is all about: